"Thoughts on ReCon 15: DOIs, GitHub, ORCID, altmetric, and transitive credit" (iPhylo)

Posted by Elli Olson, community karma 677
Prof. Roderic Page recaps his experience at ReCon 15 in this blog post: http://iphylo.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/thoughts-on-recon-15-dois-github-orcid.html

In the post, he remarks - "Sitting in the audience a few things struck me. [...] Nobody really understands "impact"."

What do you think 'impact' means? And what do you think the future of measuring 'impact' looks like?
over 9 years ago

1 Comment

Rob Walsh, community karma 1466
"This paper has no recent "buzz" (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Mendeley) but is cited on three Wikipedia pages"

The paper in question is one that only shows a score of 3 although it's been mentioned in three Wikipedia pages. This is a case where the original post-er finds that papers that aren't shared on social media fall through the cracks in altmetrics.

I think it will be really interesting to see how Altmetric the company continues to incorporate various measures of feedback. Sounds like they've undertaken an almost Google-like internet scraping ordeal to me.
over 9 years ago
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