Berkeley La Raza Law Journal - Call for Submissions for Anniversary Volume 30

Posted by Oscar Sarabia Roman, community karma 27

The Berkeley La Raza Law Journal (“Journal") produces knowledge designed to capture the imagination of legislators, stir the consciences of judges, and provide a dynamic tool for practitioners concerned with the impact of their work on behalf of the Latinx community.

The Journal was established to provide a forum, which previously did not exist, to analyze legal issues affecting the Latinx community. Previous issues have addressed bilingual education, affirmative action, immigration law, labor law and policy, voting rights, community empowerment, new models of organizing labor, rural communities, and Latinx Critical Legal Theory.

Articles to be considered must be between 30 and 80 pages with a minimum of 100 footnotes.

We are currently seeking articles for publication in March 2020. Editing can begin immediately, and substantive edits should be finished by mid-October.

For more information contact us via e-mail:
about 5 years ago